Capture Applicant Data in Real Time with Webhooks

You’ve seen what a scholarship campaign can do for your marketing strategy. You’ve been reaching your Gen Z audience through the ScholarshipOwl platform, creating an opportunity for a deeper connection between students and your brand. But it’s important to leverage that opportunity at the right time. The longer you wait to follow-up with your applicants, the less effective your campaign will be.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could capture your scholarship applicants’ data as soon as they submit their application? With ScholarshipOwl for busniess webhooks, now you can! Having the data instantly available, you can easily integrate it into your existing CRM.

So far, you’ve been exporting applicants’ data from the ScholarshipOwl for busniess platform, taking the list and importing it to your CRM software.

This manual data transfer takes a bit of time and effort, and as a result, many of our customers only export their applicant data a couple of times a week.

But thanks to webhooks, applicant data can now be transmitted in real time! No more delays. Once the real-time data has been transmitted, you’ll then be able to save it to your own database or dispatch it to your CRM or other third-party service provider.

What Are Webhooks?

Webhooks are automated messages or information sent from apps to other apps when something happens. So, how does it work in the case of a scholarship campaign? You simply input the target destination URL and you have the option to pass the captured applicant data to your CRM via Webhooks. Whenever someone applies to your scholarship, the webhooks will transmit the applicant data in real time, where you can integrate it into your CRM.

How Will Webhooks Help You Connect with Students?

Webhooks provide you with the real-time data you need to perform timely campaigns and reach your student applicants. You’re just a tiny engineering effort away from connecting the webhook to your CRM!

Once your applicant data has been integrated into your CRM, you can quickly deepen your connection with your student applicants with a welcome email or perhaps initiate an SMS campaign.


Why should your applicants have to wait to hear from you? With our webhooks, now you’ll be able to respond to them as soon as they apply – which is when they are most engaged with your brand. Login to and try out this amazing new feature today!