Free Scholarship Management – Save Time and Award More Money to Students

Launching a scholarship is no easy feat, as you may have read from one of our many blog posts here at ScholarshipApp. With so many tasks revolving around scholarship management, you need lots of hands on deck. And with a growing number of people, costs increase too.

However, is it possible to have free scholarship management? After all, your aim is to make someone else happy and give away money, there is no reason to spend additional funds on your side to give away that scholarship.

Here is how you can make free scholarship management a reality.

Free scholarship management means lots of automation

The reason why it actually costs money to give out a scholarship is that you have to employ quite a few people to do various tasks. From grading essays to disqualifying applicants who are not a good fit from the start, it takes quite a bit of work to process a single person who applies. Now imagine doing the same for more than 1,000 scholarship applicants.

If you use a scholarship application like ScholarshipApp, you can automate the bulk of this work by letting the app take care of it. First, you can automate all of the email communication so that applicants get an email every time they:

–   Finish with their application

–   Move on to the next round

–   Get disqualified

–   Get the scholarship award

–   Etc.

Basically, every time you would send out an email on your own, the app can do it instead. And of course, all of this is free because ScholarshipApp is free to use.

Moreover, you can automate the approval of new applicants according to your pre-set requirements. That way, if someone does not have your required GPA, for example, they can get immediately disqualified and the scholarship management app will send them an email about this event. Free scholarship management also means that you don’t have to waste hours processing someone’s application only to find out that they don’t meet the basic requirements.

Free = poor quality?

Just like many software applications, ScholarshipApp has a free plan. The only difference is that we intend to keep it free for as long as possible. If you take a look at some of our competitors, you can see that they offer similar features at prices that go up to thousands of dollars per year or per scholarship.

We keep ScholarshipApp free because we believe that students deserve help and whoever wants to provide them help should not be forced to pay for this. That’s why it’s free for businesses to use ScholarshipApp to give out scholarships to deserving students.

You shouldn’t have to bear double costs

The average scholarship award amount is anywhere from $2,800 to $8,366, depending on who gives out the scholarship. No matter what your business or industry is, that’s a lot of money to spend.

If you add administrative costs on top, you could easily pile up another couple of thousand dollars to that amount. Wouldn’t it be better to pass on those costs to the students and give one student more money? Or even better, give out two scholarships instead of one?

If you consider the fact where the money is going, it’s only natural that you want free scholarship management.


Look no further – if you want to give out more money to students and not spend hours on tedious administrative tasks, there is an easy solution. ScholarshipApp automates the majority of work revolving around scholarships so all you have to think about is what kind of scholarship you want to launch. If you’re interested, reach out to us today so we can provide you with a free demo!

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